Education and influencers
We work with both
Anastasiia Moroz
Founder Crypto Flexx University
What brings
next 100m
users to
Web2 and web3, 10+ mln total reach
Integration into the educations programs gives you extra loyal clients
7 years
In the industry
we value our time, network and reputation, no scam projects will pass our due diligence
+ 70 KOL
We are well connected
secure long-term partnerships with our curated web3 projects, VCs and apps
+ 10 projects
With total 35k+ ppls in closed communities
Integration into the educations programs gives you extra loyal clients
+ 1500 contacts
I am good at B2B sales, partnerships and even can got your round closed. But we all need just more people in crypto space. So, I founded Crypto Flexx – web3 education project and onboarding powerhouse
(about me)
Connect with right web2/3 KOL
CAC of web3 user goes to the sky. Let's convince web2 users to become web3.
Create engaging education content
We make articles, threads, one-pagers, how-to videos and infographics. You focus on great product
I am inside the system, working, creating, teaching, collaborating, partnering and each learning myself, being surprised, admiring worlds web-3
Was part of the team in the Itez and Everscale projects
With my involvement, the Itez project has grown from $300k to $10m per month
In the project, Everscale managed $1.M5 grant program
Founder of educational projects, co-founder of startups Osmos, Crypto Match
In co-founder role raised $700k investment and $10M val. Gained industry knowledge by putting together educational projects to help you go from beginner to expert in web3.
Collaborative work
I have a proven track record of success in projects. I step in, solve problems, initiate processes, and maintain a strong connection with the business. Together, we achieve greater efficiency
Together we achieve more
Through mutually beneficial collaboration, I constantly expand the boundaries of my activities and create innovative solutions.
Let’s bring next 100M users together
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© 2024 Crypto Flexx